Case Study: Online Training System

Nova Software is a professional software development company that provides end-to-end software development services. If you need website or app development or consulting services, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Client Introduction


Our client is a multinational consulting company, and this system is a training management software provided to one of their manufacturing industry clients. Through this software, a training and assessment system can be established to provide employee training management and assessment services, transforming training from traditional classroom-based methods to a more convenient and flexible online and offline combined training approach.


Due to initially unclear requirements and the possibility of scope changes, the client chose to collaborate with Nova Software using an agile approach. Nova Software efficiently and quickly built an excellent software system based on the client's requirements, helping them achieve their business goals.

System Objectives for Users and Managers


Course list and registration


Individual course scheduling


View training history


Online course learning and assessment


Offline course check-in and view grades


Employee management


Course management


Employee registration

What the Client Gets from This Project

After the system went live, the client provided online courses for the learners, making it more convenient for them to study. The management of grades also became much easier. This allowed the client to free up their hands to focus on more valuable analysis and consulting work. As a result, after the system went live, the client presented additional requirements for further development in subsequent phases.
  • The client obtained a convenient training and assessment system that greatly reduced the manpower and resources previously invested in employee training.
  • The system offers flexible class schedules and methods, which increased employee engagement in learning.
  • Managers can also view employee training progress in real-time and with ease, earning praise from the client.
Our Pricing
per Hour
  • 1-3 years of software developing experience.
  • Initiatives in communication and implementing tasks as assigned.
per Hour
  • 3-5 years of  software developing and project managing experience.
  • Can work independently or lead small teams
  • Work in aspects of requirements, architecture, development, testing, deployment, etc.
  • Can help clients achieve their goals.
per Hour
  • 6+ years of developing and project management experience.
  • Can provide professional advice in the context of the client's business.
  • Can manage a large team.
  • Can take ownership of leading the team to achieve the client's business goals.

Business Model

We offer flexible business model, so as your product scales and matures, you can choose bussiness model that fits you best.
Long-term contract
Turn Nova developers into an extension of client's local team, or build up a steady product development team (known as ODC).
Time & Material
The essential idea of this model is, the project cost is a function of the project execution time and the resources deployed.
Fixed bid
Under this model, cost and timeline will be pre-estimated, and a lucid project plan will be drafted.

How We Work

We provide exclusive services for your business
Communicate with our experts to get a general plan and assessment for your requirements.
Setup Team
We will recommend the most suitable candidates from our 100+ developers. You can interview and select the right team members.
Get started
Sign contract and start the project.
Deployment and Next literation
After delivery and acceptance, we start the next phase of work. Ensure that the whole process is incremental and provides value to the customer.
Development and Quality
We pay close attention to the progress and quality of the development phase and communicate with the client in a timely manner.
Prototype and UI/UX
We typically use prototypes to confirm requirements and ensure there is no misunderstanding. UI design is also done if required.

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