Hire Dedicated Python Developers in 48 Hours

With extensive project service experience and technical expertise, Nova has cultivated a large pool of skilled professionals. If you require Python developers, Nova is the perfect choice for you.

Nova Software - Your Reliable Python Partner


Python is a popular, versatile, and readable programming language known for its simplicity. It has a large standard library and an active community of developers. Python is cross-platform compatible and can integrate with other languages. It is widely used in web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.


Python is used in major products like Instagram, YouTube, Dropbox, Spotify, Pinterest, Reddit, and Netflix. It is employed for tasks such as backend development, data processing, machine learning, and content delivery.


If you also want to create unique software products using Python, Nova Software has extensive experience and can work with you to achieve your goals.

Python Libraries Nova Uses


Multidimensional array objects and a wide range of mathematical functions.


Data structures and data analysis tools


Rich options and flexibility for data visualization


powerful development framework for building web applications


web development framework suitable for small to medium-sized projects

We Always Try To Understand Users' Expectation

Years of Experience
Professional Experts
Project Completed
Satisfied Customer

Business Model

We offer flexible business model, so as your product scales and matures, you can choose bussiness model that fits you best.
Long-term contract
Turn Nova developers into an extension of client's local team, or build up a steady product development team (known as ODC).
Time & Material
The essential idea of this model is, the project cost is a function of the project execution time and the resources deployed.
Fixed bid
Under this model, cost and timeline will be pre-estimated, and a lucid project plan will be drafted.
Our Pricing
per Hour
  • 1-3 years of software developing experience.
  • Initiatives in communication and implementing tasks as assigned.
per Hour
  • 3-5 years of  software developing and project managing experience.
  • Can work independently or lead small teams
  • Work in aspects of requirements, architecture, development, testing, deployment, etc.
  • Can help clients achieve their goals.
per Hour
  • 6+ years of developing and project management experience.
  • Can provide professional advice in the context of the client's business.
  • Can manage a large team.
  • Can take ownership of leading the team to achieve the client's business goals.


Answering frequently asked questions about website application development services
What's nova's strength?
  1. We offer cost effective services. At a price much lower than average market price, but you'll get a quality lot higher than average.
  2. Nova's project teams do not work alone, but win as a team. We have a backup support team, even you just engage 1 resource.
  • We have a team of over 100 developers in house.  Face-to-face communication increases efficiency and accuracy.
  • Nova checks the work of employees to ensure that they are consistently creating values for you.
  • Nova trains the employees to become T-shaped Talent: technically well-rounded and proficient in a particular area, with overall competencies that better suit the client's needs.
  • When technical difficulties are encountered, Nova will provide assistance without making employees or customers feel helpless.
  • Nova's employees are experienced and have their own insights. If a customer gives us a solution and we think there is a better one, we will give advices to help clients make a better decision.
How do you ensure the quality meets the requirements?

We believe that quality is guaranteed in the whole process, as long as we do every step below well, high quality will come naturally.

  1. Requirements: We use prototypes and documents to confirm requirements and avoid misunderstandings, which can greatly reduce the possibility of rework afterwards.
  2. Development: Developers will ensure that they fully understand the requirements before developing, and do self-test to avoid bugs and reduce the waste in fixing bugs later.
  3. Testing: If the team is equipped with a tester(s), the tester(s) will join as early as possible to conduct sufficient testing from the perspective of users and customers to save clients' time in UAT.
  4. Testers will also write test cases, test reports and other documents so that clients are clear about the quality of the project.
What management methods are used?
  • Nova has a dedicated project management office (PMO) to manage each project and ensure that processes are executed as required.
  • Most project managers are certified in project management, such as PMP, ACP, etc.
  • If a client chooses a certain management approach, such as SCRUM, we have the experience to handle it.
  • Usually, Nova take advantages of the traditional project management, Agile project management and lean project management methods to fit in the realistic situation.
How can I know the progress of the project?
  • The team sends daily and weekly reports to the client, and also communicates instantly with the client to share the progress and quality of the project.
  • Once risks to the project are identified, the team will inform client and contingency plans are provided.
How to ensure the stability and flexibility of the team?
  •  All employees of Nova are recruited with a bachelor's degree or higher in China and are fully interviewed before being hired to ensure they meet the required competencies.
  • We offer employees a salary that exceeds the market average, provide a good office environment and benefits, and organize team building to help employees improve their work efficiency and reduce  unnecessary overtime work, so employee loyalty is very high and turnover is low.
  • If the staff quit the team due to the resignation, Nova provides a free handover period to minimize the loss to the client.
  • Clients can flexibly add or remove team members to maintain the team at the most appropriate size, as long as they request it in advance.
  • If the client is not satisfied with the team members, he/she can also bring it up, and Nova will arrange a replacement in time.
How do you guarantee my intellectual property rights?
  • Nova's employees have all signed a confidentiality agreement to keep all contents of the client's code, business requirements, and business data strictly confidential.
  • Nova takes its reputation and the interests of its clients very seriously and strengthens the management of its employees.
  • Since its establishment in 2005, we have worked with numerous clients and have not had any intellectual property disputes.
Why you need maintenance service?
  • After you accept the delivered system, there might be some potential bugs that can hardly be detected by UAT. After running in the real environment for a period of time, those bugs would come out in succession. At this moment, you can hand over the system to Nova and we will fix these bugs.
  • The business circumstance is changing at an accelerated rate. Your current system cannot meet the changing requirements as the business rules changes. Nova will help you expand, modify the current system and add new functionalities tailored to your unique requirements.
  • When you need performance optimization. After deeply researching into the current system, we will detect the performance bottleneck and come up with optimization solution, either by re-factoring or enhance the performance by utilizing new program technology.

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