Case Study: A 10 members ODC development team

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Client and Project Introduction


Our client is a large  chamber of commerce. With over 300 branches worldwide and more than 10,000 employees, it assists over 5,000 companies in rapid growth every year. The client  has been providing consulting and technical support in enterprise management and human resources management for many years.


After learning that Nova is the gold partner of Kentico in mainland China, the client conducted a comprehensive investigation of Nova. Finally, in early 2015, our client selected Nova as its exclusive software development service provider. Currently, the team has grown from an initial team of one person to over 10 people.


Nova’s price has a significant advantage over local suppliers in Australia. However, according to client’s feedback, Nova’s team’s efficiency far exceeds that of local suppliers, leaving an extremely deep impression on client and leading them to decide to expand the team in a short period of time.

Optimized workflow

The team adopts Agile development methodology, ensuring scientific planning, timely response, and close cooperation with clients from requirements gathering and task assignment to feature development and quality assurance.

Stable delivery quality

Guaranteeing stable quality is the most important issue for online fee-based products. The team’s internal self-testing, unified testing before delivery, and multiple acceptance tests from clients provide comprehensive assurance for delivery quality.

Rich experience

Since 2005, Nova has undertaken thousands of European and American software development projects, accumulating rich experience in project team building and internal project management. This shortened the integration time between both parties, and the client quickly felt that everything was under control.

Challenges and Solutions

Since the collaboration began, Nova’s team has been mainly responsible for maintenance and new feature releases of product.
iconMaintaining Old System

The project is a website based on Kentico. Before Nova took over, the old system had been running for nearly 8 years, containing a large amount of outdated data and logic. In order to ensure a smooth transition, we adopted a solution where the old and new systems coexist, ensuring that there is no loss of functionality even if the page style is sometimes inconsistent. During the deployment period, the smooth transition from the old system to the new one was proven.

iconHelpful Suggestions

The client provided the requirement design, but they went through multiple product changes. Throughout the communication process, we always centered around the requirement design, confirming and recording various changes. In the face of unreasonable or conflicting requirements from the client, we provided timely feedback. Through multiple rounds of adjustments and familiarization, the project proceeded smoothly.

iconMultiple Iterations

The project iterations often change, and sometimes well-developed features cannot be deployed in a timely manner due to client operations. To address this situation, we used Git as a management tool for distributed development with multiple branches, perfectly resolving the situation where multiple iterations were happening simultaneously. This approach satisfied the needs of feature development, modification feedback, and on-demand deployment.

Case Story

Cooperating with Nova was the client's first time selecting an offshore supplier. Cultural differences, technical expertise, and communication efficiency were all unknowns. However, Kathryn, the senior marketing manager, recognized the significant benefits of offshore outsourcing and was willing to make this bold attempt. After nearly 2 years of cooperation, the facts have proven that her decision was correct. 


During client's annual visit to Nova in 2016, Kathryn shared the feedback from within  regarding this collaboration. At the annual conference attended by thousands of client employees, the company’s CEO highly praised Nova’s service level in his speech, considering this collaboration as another successful case of business cooperation.

Based on this positive feedback, the client increased the budget for Kathryn’s responsible team, doubling the size of Nova’s team, and finalized the cooperation plan for the next year.


What the Client Gets from This Project

Lower Cost
  • Built a high-quality development team at a much lower cost than the local market.
  • Agile development allows quick release of new features to enterprise users.
  • Leveraging years of development experience, Nova’s team can provide scientific advice on the viability of requirements, helping clients make better decisions.

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