Overseas E-commerce Platform for Cosmetics: Making it Easy for Wholesalers and End Users to Place Orders

Nova Software has helped numerous clients build complete e-commerce systems, including desktop, mobile web, iOS, Android, and mini-program versions. We are able to significantly reduce workload and cost, while ensuring a quick and efficient deployment. Below is a case study of one of our clients.

Client Overview


The client is an import-export trader of cosmetics, primarily operating in Mexico. Prior to engaging with Nova Company for the development of an app. The client relied on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to showcase their products and accept orders. 


However, the lack of a systematic order management, inventory management, and shipping management system resulted in a heavy workload for employees and increased the likelihood of errors. In this situation, the client urgently needed an e-commerce platform that combines front-end and back-end capabilities, allowing customers to easily place orders and receive them with confidence, while significantly reducing the burden on staff: the Cosmetics E-commerce Platform (web and mobile app).

Why the Client Choose Nova Software

Word of mouth, recommendations from friends and professional service made the client choose us.
Expertise in eCcommerce
  • Nova's e-commerce platform offers high scalability, allowing for customization of personalized features based on the client's needs, and significantly reduces development costs, providing a clear price advantage. 
  • Numerous successful e-commerce platform case studies are available for reference.
Cost Effective
  • At a price much lower than average market price, you'll get a quality lot higher than average.
  • We aim to deliver projects without compromising the design and quality.
  • We have built an appropriate balance of cost and quality in the development process.
Quality Assurance
  • Quality is guaranteed in the whole process, We do every step well, high quality will come naturally.
  • We have set high quality levels and ensure that the designs pass through rigorous checks for better user experience.
  • After fix-bid project is signed off, we offer a period of free bug-fixing time.

Business Ruirement

The client primarily engages in wholesale trade of cosmetics and previously did not have dedicated software to manage their sales products. They lacked a systematic sales management system, and therefore, they wanted to promote their brand and products through websites and apps to increase business volume and improve efficiency.

The client's main partners are located in Mexico and some Latin American regions, so the website and app need to support the display of the Spanish language.
The platform needs to support customer service chat functionality, allowing customers to communicate with backend customer service through image, text, and voice messages (voice messaging is exclusive to the app and not supported on the website).
User registration requires filling in a valid invitation code provided by the platform for effective customer management.
Considering the requirements of wholesale business, shipping costs can be set based on the total amount of wholesale products.
To facilitate order verification, shipment updates, etc., the client wants to add a module to manage backend orders on the app, allowing for convenient and timely updates of shipment information, order status changes, and printing of order details.

Business Challenges

The client lacks knowledge of software development, and all related matters regarding product launch, such as purchasing servers, SMS interfaces, app store review, and VISA payment account application, require assistance from us. Online payment methods only support VISA and MasterCard debit and credit cards. The mobile app needs to support order printing functionality. The platform's web version needs to be responsive, which adds complexity to layout adjustments.
iconThe client lacks knowledge of software development, and all related matters regarding product launch require our assistance.

Solution: We deeply understand the client's business demands and help them achieve their goals by putting the client at the center. For example, when helping the client apply for a SMS signature, we encountered issues due to a domestic company registering the trademark the client used in Mexico. To resolve this problem, we made multiple calls to Alibaba Cloud customer service and, with their assistance, successfully applied for an SMS signature using the client's registered company abbreviation, which gained the client's approval.

iconOnline payment methods only support VISA and MasterCard debit and credit cards.

Solution: Our development team extensively researched the payment interfaces of VISA and MasterCard, registered a developer account in the VISA Developer Center, and conducted tests on the payment interface using the sandbox environment. After completing the development, we submitted the project for deployment, allowing the client to conduct testing in a real payment environment.

iconThe mobile app needs to support order printing functionality.

Solution: The order printing template is generated in the backend, and the front-end app uses the mobile device's printing function to achieve order printing on the mobile app.

iconThe platform's web version needs to be responsive, which adds complexity to layout adjustments.

Solution: We used Bootstrap combined with jQuery technology to create a responsive layout that adjusts content arrangement based on the page size. For special styling, such as using specific tables, we made adjustments using jQuery. We used rem units for CSS styling, and the script adjusts the base unit based on the device window size. This ensures a more natural layout for the page's whitespace and font structure on smaller devices. The original web content of the platform had a narrow width and was mainly designed for mobile device access, so we redesigned the entire page document structure.

Values the Client Gained from the Project

The client gains a competitive advantage in the underdeveloped e-commerce sales channels in Mexico.
  1. A systematic sales management system significantly increases sales revenue.
  2. Streamlined management processes make operations convenient and efficient, reducing the likelihoodof errors and improving customer satisfaction.
  3. The platform supports multilingual functionality, allowing the client to cater to their Spanish-speaking customers in Mexico and Latin America.
  4. The customer service chat functionality enhances communication between the client and their customers, improving customer support and resolving inquiries more effectively.
  5. The ability to set shipping costs based on the total amount of wholesale products helps the client manage shipping expenses and provide accurate pricing to their customers.
  6. The backend order management module enables the client to easily manage and update orders, ensuring timely shipment updates and order status changes.
  7. Assistance from Norwai in matters related to software development and product launch alleviates the client's burden and ensures a smooth deployment of the e-commerce platform.
  8. The integration of VISA and MasterCard payment methods expands payment options for customers, making it more convenient for them to complete transactions.
  9. The order printing functionality on the mobile app simplifies order processing and documentation for the client.
  10. The responsive web version of the platform ensures a seamless user experience across different devices, catering to customers accessing the platform from various devices.




"......But these guys (from another company) were not very helpful and they charged us too much money for doing very little... and very slow. Not like your company which is excellent and very quick."

High Quality

"I have today done extensive testing on our local/test environment, and plan to publish these changes to the production server and further test them there. However, so far, all tests are good. The work is excellent."


"You're the best developer we've worked with in many years! Very much appreciated!"


"It was a pleasure working with your very professional team and I look forward to working with you again in the future! I will be sure to recommend your exellent skills and services to my business partners."

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